Julian Fury Fitness ®

Excuses don’t get results!

I’m sure you’ve heard that before, and it’s true. If you want to succeed in anything, you need to take responsibility and put in the work. There are no shortcuts or easy ways out.

If you want to get results, you have to put in the work. There are no shortcuts and there are certainly no excuses that will get you there.

So what’s holding you back? Why aren’t you putting in the work to reach your goals?

Maybe you’re afraid of failing. Maybe you don’t think you’re good enough. Or maybe you’re just making excuses because it’s easier than facing the truth.


Whatever your reason, it’s time to let go of it and start taking action. Only then will you see results.

Remember, excuses don’t get results! So if you want to achieve something, stop making excuses and start taking action today.

If you’re not seeing results from your boxing or fitness routine, it’s time to take a good hard look at what you’re doing and make some changes. One of the biggest mistakes people make is making excuses for their lack of progress.

Here are some common excuses people make, and why they’re ultimately holding you back:

“I don’t have time.” This is one of the most common excuses, but it’s also one of the lamest. If you’re truly dedicated to achieving your goals, you’ll find the time. Whether it means getting up a little earlier in the morning or working out during your lunch break, there are always ways to fit in a workout.


“I’m too tired.” This is another common excuse, but it’s also a cop-out. Yes, working out can be tiring, but that’s no excuse to skip it altogether. In fact, exercise can actually give you more energy in the long run.

“I don’t have enough money.” This is a valid concern for some people, but it doesn’t have to be a roadblock. There are plenty of ways to get a great workout without spending a lot of money. You can find free workout videos online, or head to your local park for a jog or walk.

“I’m not motivated.” This is understandable, but it’s still not an excuse. If you’re not motivated to work out, find something that will inspire you. Read inspirational stories, listen to motivating music, or find a workout buddy to help keep you on track.

Don’t let excuses get in the way of your success. If you’re not seeing results, take a look at what you’re doing and make some changes. You’ll be glad you did!


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